I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Chu Kochen Honors College of Zhejiang University in July 2019. Currently I’m a master’s student majoring in Computer Science at Rice University. My interests include web development(mainly backend), distributed system, cloud computing, high performance computing and infrastructure.
MSc in Computer Science, 2020
Rice University
BEng in Computer Science, 2019
Zhejiang University
Independently designed and built a data presentation website for School of Humanities of Rice University.
Developed frontend with Node.js, Webpack, ReactJS, and Redux, using Axios to send concurrent HTTP requests efficiently.
Adopted Redis as L2 cache to deal with high concurrency issues and reduce response time.
Developed backend with Spring Boot and used MyBatis 3 to run dynamical SQL queries in MySQL with higher efficiency.
Deployed the system with Docker and Nginx as load balancer on Apache HTTP Server, providing high scalability.
Implemented a web application for pancreatic cancer data management.
Developed frontend using AngularJS, styled it by Material-UI and visualized complicated data with three.js.
Developed MVC based backend using Maven and SparkJava and deployed it with Apache Tomcat server.
Adopted MongoDB for the database to fully realize the CRUD functionality of the website.
Adopted WebSocket to provide real-time event notifications as some user operations may take a long time processing data in the backend.
Created automatic test scripts using JUnit, making the code coverage more than 91%.
Implemented an Android application for speech recognition based on BaiduAI service.
Developed the application using React-native with Android Studio and Gradle, using SQLite 3 to store voice data.
Implemented backend using Express.js and designed RESTful data API endpoints.